Silver Oxide


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Our Silver Oxide is new and freshly prepared. The powder has been ground and sifted.
Silver Oxide Properties:
CAS Number: 20667-12-3
Synonyms: Ag2O, Silver(I)Oxide, Argentic Oxide, Silver Monoxide
Formula Weight: 231.74 grams/Mole — (Contains 93.10% Silver)
Density: 7.143
Melting Point: 280°C ( 536°F ) – begins to release Oxygen to form Silver Powder.
Shelf Life: Indefinite when stored in it’s original bottle, securely capped.
This is a dry, brownish black powder that does absorb Carbon Dioxide from humid air.
It is best to buy it pre-ground and sifted (like ours).
Silver Oxide is not light sensitive. (as far as ordinary room lighting is concerned)
It is very slightly soluble in water. (.0002g / Liter @ 20°C)
Although not very soluble in water, it imparts a distinctly metallic taste to water.
It is soluble in dilute Nitric Acid.
It is reduced by Hydrogen gas at 100°C ( 212°F ), forming Silver Powder and water.
NOTE: All Metal Oxides form their respective Carbonates when exposed to Carbon Dioxide (in 25%+ humidity).

It will ignite on contact with Sulfur, Red Phosphorous, Sulfides of Antimony and Arsenic.
It will ignite other readily oxidized substances. Avoid contact with: cotton, paper towels, rags, skin, proteins, etc.
Concentrated, it is explosively decomposed by Hydrogen Peroxide, forming Silver Powder and Oxygen.
It forms extremely explosive crystals of Fulminating Silver when dissolved in Ammonia. (Explosive even when wet)
• Fulminating Silver is the most explosive of all known metal ‘nitrate’ explosives.
Like all chemicals, avoid breathing the dust, excess skin contact, and wear safety glasses.
When pouring Silver Oxide from it’s bottle, it’s fine dust irritates the eyes, nose, throat and lungs.
• Be very careful and plan ahead for this – before handling the Silver Oxide.
If you exhale onto Silver Oxide, it absorbs some of your Carbon Dioxide to form Silver Carbonate.
It is deadly to lower life forms; bacteria, fungi, viruses.
Do not dispose Silver Oxide into Septic Systems or the Municipal Sewage System.
• It kills all of the beneficial microbes these systems rely on.
To properly dispose of Silver Oxide :
• Add 100 volumes of distilled water to 1 volume Silver Oxide powder. (glass container only)
• Add common household Hydrogen Peroxide, very slowly, with lots of stirring. (glass or plastic stirrer only)
• Add Hydrogen Peroxide, stirring, until all of the Black Powder has turned gray. (lots of bubbles – Oxygen)
• You now have reduced Silver Oxide into harmless Silver Powder. (You may want to keep it)
• NOTE : Silver Powder also breaks down the Hydrogen Peroxide, forming Oxygen bubbles.